Side Effects Of Diabetes On Eye Health

Side Effects Of Diabetes On Eye Health

In addition to causing damage to the health of the kidneys or possible amputations, high levels of sugar in the blood can be reflected in the visual health of patients

The diabetes is a disease when uncontrolled can affect most organs. However, one of the greatest damages that this condition can cause is related to the health of the eyes.

Therefore, it is essential to keep blood sugar levels in check, since a high glucose level directly affects visual health. One of the most serious errors that specialists point out regarding the control of diabetes is that patients who have been diagnosed with this condition do not undergo the necessary tests to know what the state of health of sight is, which is essential to take the necessary measures and ensure that your eyes are kept in good condition.

There are two main conditions that can develop and affect the eyes when you have diabetes, and it is not properly controlled.

The first and considered most important is diabetic retinopathy, which affects the retina of the eye, a small layer that is sensitive to light and is located at the back of the eye.

The main condition that it causes is on the blood vessels of the eye, since they begin to damage and small bleeds occur. Commonly, hemorrhages develop on the surface of the retina and this is when the doctor notifies you are due to poor sugar control, which will surely be at very high levels.

Something you should know is that there is currently no active treatment to treat the bleeding caused by diabetic retinopathy. For this reason, and because as the disease progresses the blood vessels are more affected, it is important to control glucose levels.

In some cases, specialists have detected that the blood vessels can be so affected that the blood supply to some parts of the retina is reduced, and when this happens they cannot obtain oxygen, since the source of this element is precisely the blood.

When the retina does not receive oxygen, it is common for it to suffocate and then a process begins in which a substance called VEGF is released, considered as a vascular endothelial growth factor, which consists of the formation of new blood vessels that reach the retina to promote oxygen supply again.

However, the new blood vessels represent a new problem, since they are more sensitive and fragile, so they bleed more easily. This new bleeding is what can cause a sudden decrease in vision in people with diabetes.

Although there is a treatment for this problem, it is important to remember that it is an irreversible condition, that is, the laser intervention that is performed is to preserve the health of the blood vessels and not to recover or repair the damage caused previously.


The second visual condition that can develop with poorly controlled diabetes is cataracts, a disease that causes blurred vision. Although it is a condition that people who do not have diabetes can also get, it has been shown that diabetics develop this condition first.

In this sense, the main recommendations that a diabetic should follow for the care of their visual health and their health in general, is to control blood sugar levels. In addition, you must take care of your diet, especially the portions and carbohydrates you eat, as well as sugar from other sources.

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